Online doneren aan Mirbessa
Alweer herfst ??
Wat waren we blij dat de sneeuw weg is en nu regent het hele dagen achter elkaar.
Waardeloos..........., het hele park staat onder water van de gesmolten sneeuw en de regen. Het lijkt wel een moeras.
We zitten dus ook telkens helemaal onder de modder en daar is vrouw niet blij mee , en voor de verandering wij zelf ook niet hoor. Als we nu gaan wandelen worden we alleen maar koud, nat en vies. Brrr
Met dit natte grijze weer is er eigenlijk mar 1 ding wat je kunt doen,
lekker op de bank hangen of in je mandje liggen.
En dat ga ik dus zo weer doen ook.
Ben ik weer
Zo, hebben jullie de email van ver.Bianca gelezen. Toch niet normaal dat zoveel mensen zo slecht met hun huisdieren omgaan. Niet alleen in Portugal, maar over de hele wereld, dus ook in Nederland.
Gelukkig hebben wij en onze vriendjes het wel allemaal getroffen en hebben we lieve baasjes en een eigen warme mand en lekker elke dag eten en een kluif of koekje. Wij komen niets tekort.
Vrouw is hondenjasjes aan het maken. Worden wel leuk hoor, maar ik ga er niet in lopen. Hoeft ook niet gelukkig, deze jasjes gaan naar zielige hondjes in het buitenland. Vrouw wil ook hondentruitjes gaan breien en die ga ik dus ook niet aantrekken. Hoeft ook niet gelukkig, die gaan ook naar de zielige hondjes. En ze houdt er een paar voor Diesel misschien.
Eindelijk is de sneeuw helemaal weg. Vrouw is blij toe, alleen al de laatste 2 weken is ze al 3x bijna onderuit gegaan en nu heeft ze veel last van haar knie en enkel. Marly is ook uitgegleden , precies op het pootje met de zere duim en toen heb ik Vrouw en Marly maar heel veel kusjes gegeven want ze hadden alle2 een au pootje.
Maar vandaag zijn we heel lang en heel ver gaan lopen.Helemaal langs de Ringvaart. Daar lag geen ijs meer op, maar de eenden en de meerkoetjes hebben nog wel veel honger hoor. Ze komen allemaal naar ons toe, in de hoop dat we wat eten voor ze hebben. In de sloten ligt nog wel veel ijs en we konden een heleboel dode vissen zien. Ook een heleboel hele grote. Zuurstofgebrek denkt vrouw. En vandaag zagen we ook weer een paar "sport" vissers. Lekker sportief , bijna dode vissen vangen.
De vogeltjes zijn alweer leuk aan het zingen/fluiten en met het zonnetje erbij was het heerlijk.
Vrouw heeft weer leuke foto's uitgezocht. Een paar van toen er nog sneeuw lag en een paar van vandaag.
Oh ja, we willen het vrouwtje van Nicky ook even de groetjes doen en beterschap wensen. Zij heeft ook een au pootje. Snel weer opkanppen hoor, dan kunnen we weer gezellig met ons allen gaan wandelen.
Decidedly this year is the most dramatic of all. The crisis is an
excuse... But animal conditions has worsened in Portugal and Bianca is
witness of that.
Since the beginning of this year, we already collected 45 new animals
and we ask "how can this happen?" We haven't answer for this question!
But many of this animals are in Temporary familys because we don't
have more space in our shelter.
At this moment Bianca need food and money for all high costs we have
with surgery and treatments.
Some of following cases illustrated the suffering these poor animals
have been by the hand of cruel and heartless human being. See all
cases in our newsletter:
Wendy is a sweet and gentle female dog, with a sad and appealing eyes.
She was found in this conditions... What kind of suffering she has
been. Blood tests was made and leshmaniosis came back negative and we
are awaiting biopsy result but it's getting better.
Kelly was abandoned in Quinta do Conde, but she have an electronic
chip unregistered...
It's a young, calm and gentle female dog with skin fungus and it was
visible in her eyes the pain she was in! All body full of wounds...
If one day Kelly's ex-owners see this message, we just want to say:
"This planet would be must more ecologique without beasts not
deserving the air they breath".
Bambi was in this condition... Poor animal! After being vaccinated and
dewormed, he had a bad reaction and got sick, very sick. Maybe he was
full of parasites, but he's an angel! He may get out of the vet
tomorrow. See the pictures here:
Amelia was rescued from the streets of Quinta do Conde, pregnant! We
took more than one and half hour to catch her, but thanks to Filipa,
Sónia, Ana and Fernanda we manage to take this girl from the streets.
Despite her fear, she didn't try to bite us not even once.
Amelia is already sterelized and she learn that not everyone wants to
hurt her and let us caresses her, shakes her tail... well it's a joy
to watch her!
Now needs a family to love and be loved! See Amelia here:
Baffy was left tied to a tree... easy and coward way to solve one
problem, just pass along the problem to others and wash the hands...
On the tree they left a note saying: " Keep me, I'm gentle".
Puga, a poor little dog abandoned with itch. He feels so scared that
he don't understands what it's happening. One treatment and will be
His bad luck... like so many others. Cruel ex-owners!
Ghandi, a dog in Sesimbra known as "Castanho" (Brown) had an bladder
surgery - he couldn't urinate - he also have arthrosis. But Ghandi is
hanging on very well!
Margarida was operated and is recovering in one temporary family. Now
she wants to move at her will, still has external fasteners. Because
of that Margarida don't stop quite one minute and barkes all time. She
really need a new family, but she don't likes children so this new
family can't have kids!
Doris was abandoned - like so many others we know - and attack by
several other dogs! So little and scared and everyone attacking her.
But she got lucky, someone from Bianca take her and now she only need
"five stars" new owners!
Peggy is so submisse that she start to urinate and roll over on the
floor everytime we came near her, so we ask to someone to adopte her
to give her unconditional love, she really need it. Once again
abandoned in Quinta do Conde, surrounded by male dogs that got her
We have much more cases to tell and show you but it would be exhaustive.
Bianca also like to remember all fo you that we still have calendars
of 2010, BEAUTIFUL calendars!
And don't forget our Valentine's Day Certificates, it's a true original gift!
Your soul mate will be touch with this prove of love to you as well to
ours best friends!
Thank you very much.
Kings Regards,
Ana Duarte
Decidedly this year is the most dramatic of all. The crisis is an
excuse... But animal conditions has worsened in Portugal and Bianca is
witness of that.
Since the beginning of this year, we already collected 45 new animals
and we ask "how can this happen?" We haven't answer for this question!
But many of this animals are in Temporary familys because we don't
have more space in our shelter.
At this moment Bianca need food and money for all high costs we have
with surgery and treatments.
Some of following cases illustrated the suffering these poor animals
have been by the hand of cruel and heartless human being. See all
cases in our newsletter:
Wendy is a sweet and gentle female dog, with a sad and appealing eyes.
She was found in this conditions... What kind of suffering she has
been. Blood tests was made and leshmaniosis came back negative and we
are awaiting biopsy result but it's getting better.
Kelly was abandoned in Quinta do Conde, but she have an electronic
chip unregistered...
It's a young, calm and gentle female dog with skin fungus and it was
visible in her eyes the pain she was in! All body full of wounds...
If one day Kelly's ex-owners see this message, we just want to say:
"This planet would be must more ecologique without beasts not
deserving the air they breath".
Bambi was in this condition... Poor animal! After being vaccinated and
dewormed, he had a bad reaction and got sick, very sick. Maybe he was
full of parasites, but he's an angel! He may get out of the vet
tomorrow. See the pictures here:
Amelia was rescued from the streets of Quinta do Conde, pregnant! We
took more than one and half hour to catch her, but thanks to Filipa,
Sónia, Ana and Fernanda we manage to take this girl from the streets.
Despite her fear, she didn't try to bite us not even once.
Amelia is already sterelized and she learn that not everyone wants to
hurt her and let us caresses her, shakes her tail... well it's a joy
to watch her!
Now needs a family to love and be loved! See Amelia here:
Baffy was left tied to a tree... easy and coward way to solve one
problem, just pass along the problem to others and wash the hands...
On the tree they left a note saying: " Keep me, I'm gentle".
Puga, a poor little dog abandoned with itch. He feels so scared that
he don't understands what it's happening. One treatment and will be
His bad luck... like so many others. Cruel ex-owners!
Ghandi, a dog in Sesimbra known as "Castanho" (Brown) had an bladder
surgery - he couldn't urinate - he also have arthrosis. But Ghandi is
hanging on very well!
Margarida was operated and is recovering in one temporary family. Now
she wants to move at her will, still has external fasteners. Because
of that Margarida don't stop quite one minute and barkes all time. She
really need a new family, but she don't likes children so this new
family can't have kids!
Doris was abandoned - like so many others we know - and attack by
several other dogs! So little and scared and everyone attacking her.
But she got lucky, someone from Bianca take her and now she only need
"five stars" new owners!
Peggy is so submisse that she start to urinate and roll over on the
floor everytime we came near her, so we ask to someone to adopte her
to give her unconditional love, she really need it. Once again
abandoned in Quinta do Conde, surrounded by male dogs that got her
We have much more cases to tell and show you but it would be exhaustive.
Bianca also like to remember all fo you that we still have calendars
of 2010, BEAUTIFUL calendars!
And don't forget our Valentine's Day Certificates, it's a true original gift!
Your soul mate will be touch with this prove of love to you as well to
ours best friends!
Thank you very much.
Kings Regards,
Ana Duarte
alle 6
Leuk he, al die foto's van ons allemaal. Zoals jullie zien is Carma al helemaal thuis. Amaro trekt zoals altijd een lief koppie en Beertje is ons prinsesje :).
Marly is ook net een kat. Als er ergens een doos staat moet ze er altijd in gaan liggen en Diesel gaat altijd daarop liggen waar je mee bezig bent. En ik ? Ik kruip het liefst tussen een heleboel dekbedden en dekens. Desnoods zoek ik het zelf bij elkaar. Gekke ikke.
Maandag moest Marly naar de dierenarts. Haar duimnagel zat los en die is er nu afgehaald want ze had er veel last van met lopen.
Vrijdag moest Carma naar de dierenarts voor haar laatste prik. Ze ging heel lief haar mandje in en was bij de dierenarts ook heel lief, net een engeltje. Tot de dierenarts haar vast pakte en toen veranderde het engeltje in een seconde in een duiveltje. Blazen, krabben en haar klauwtjes in zijn hand. Toen ze probeerde om op zijn [ heel kale] hoofd te klimmen, liet hij haar los. Dierenarts er achteraan en greep natuurlijk net mis en toen zat Carma onder zijn bureau en achter de computer. En vrouw maar lachen......... Enfin, bureau naar voren en vrouw heeft Carma gepakt, die dat rustig toeliet :)
Dierenarts heel dikke handschoenen aangetrokken en snel de prik gegeven en haar weer heel snel in haar mandje gedaan.
Gelukkig kon de dierenarts er zelf ook om lachen.
Hij vond Carma erg mooi en gezond en niet zo heel sociaal met dierenartsen.
Gisteren was het zo mistig. Ik vond er niets aan. Zo saai. En vandaag is het iets beter. We hebben alweer een hele lange wandeling achter de rug en nu ga ik lekker even tukken, want over een paar uurtjes gaan we weer lekker lopen.
Oh ja, hieronder staat de link naar de nieuwsbrief van Als je wilt kun je die ook lezen.
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