Online doneren aan Mirbessa

Ivana en email uit Portugal

Ivana is vrijdag naar haar nieuwe thuis gegaan. Ze werd opgehaald door heel lieve mensen, die helemaal gek op haar zijn. Wij hebben getest of ze echt lief zijn , en ja hoor, dat waren ze echt. De nieuwe baasjes hebben al 2x gebeld om te zeggen hoe het gaat. Vinden wij heel erg aardig van ze , want we zijn toch wel erg benieuwd. Mar alles gaat goed, ze moet natuurlijk nog erg wennen . Wij missen haar wel hoor. Volgens vrouw is de drukte in huis meteen een kwart minder.
Vandaag is de kerstboom weer gekomen en alles is weer versierd, Is weer erg gezellig.
Morgen komen Bo en de vogeltjes 2 weken bij ons logeren, want hun baasje moet naar het ziekenhuis. Baassie vanaf hier wensen wij je allemaal heel veel sterkte en beterschap.

Vrouw heeft deze week geen foto's van ons, maar wel een heleboel foto's van honden en katten uit Portugal, die allemaal dringend op zoek zijn naar een nieuw thuis.
Eigenlijk hopen wij dat een van U misschien wel een mooie lieve kat wil adopteren, want er is geen plaats meer. Sommige katten zitten in kooien in de garage. En nu kunnen andere katten niet meer geholpen worden.
Er staan nog veel meer katten op :
en denkt U nu, ja leuk hoor, hoe moeten ze dan hier komen:
dan kunt U kontakt opnemen met

Hieronder staat een email uit Portugal die met toestemming is geplaatst.

Dear friends

November.... Over 50 animals rescued and received in the installations
of the Association. Many sad and revolting cases. Like often but
Nowember was really serious.

We would like to remind that Nino and Lusa are continuing with the
treatment against sarna. They need to take Interceptor 23 mg, four
pills per day until February. This is a big expense for us as every
box of this medications costs 25 euros. Please help us!

Estrela was abandoned at Bianca's shelter at night. She had on her
neck a collar that was wielded, it was impossible to take it off - how
was it put on? Seems impossible, she is extremely thin, she must have
been fatter when they put the collar on, so was it wielded on her? A
psychopat? She has also a broken leg and the fcature dates by many
weeks. She is a Perdiguiera and like all Perdigueiros, she is
extremely sweet and gentle.
A few weeks earlier Caramelo was abandoned at Bianca, same thing - at
night, same collar! Someone is getting rid of their animals at the
shelter, one by one, all of them sick and neglected!?

Gloria was found at a train station, extremely thin, how did she
manage to keep herself upright? She was dying of hunger.... But still,
she is extremely sweet and affectionate with people.
Shiva was already operated - she had a heart problem that required a
serious operation and the operation was successful! Now she is
recovering and she needs a new home. She is a beautiful young Belgian

Jacinto was abandoned at a supremarket. It is a small podengo with cut
ears and cut tail. Who would do that to a podengo? They wanted to make
a pitbull out of him? And what vet would agree to that? Was it
home-made then? And also him, he is a bit shy but mostly gentle and

Cidra was abandoned at the road, she spent 3 days waiting in the same
place until one of our volunteers decided to catch her. But Cidra was
scared. Our volunteer sat on the side of the road for 3 hours until
the dog decided to approach and accept the food. A few weeks late and
she is sweet with everyone and only asks to be hugged and petted.

Asterix e Obelix - they were living for a few months on the streets
until we managed to find a temporary place for them. Two make dogs and
they love each other, they are inseparable. They have tow dog houses
to choose but they still sleep in one. Great friends. Will we be able
to find a home for the two of them, together?

Rei and Leila, cross huskies, adopted as puppies of two months are now
coming back two us. Another proof of lack of responsibility of who
adopts animals. They are not cute little furry balls any more, they
are big, so back to the shelter.

Tasha, young beagle with hernia was living on a short chain in
someone's backyard because the owners did not like her anymore. With
hernia. But they were not planning to go to the vet, to have a simple
operation performed. Yes, thsi is how owners love their animals. They
were going to give her to a gypsy man but we got her first, had her
operated and sterilised.

Darling, abandoned near Bianca, sweet, young and very thin. He cries
for attention whenever someone passes.

And there are more abandoned dogs this months: a litter of 7 puppies,
Cookie, Pirolito, Jessica, Wolfie, Galileu, Breton, Pandora.... and
others with little chance for adoption.

And cats.... We have many adult cats waiting for new homes, victims of
accidents or neglect, they are now treated and they are gentle, we
cannot put them back on the streets: Sebastião, Anita, Carmelinda and
Tareca .... But we lack temporary families so they have stay in cages
until we find a home for them. No other solution but the street.....

If you want to help, look at our Bazaar: we have calendars for 2010,
Christmas cards, new pins and key-rings and as always, Tshirts. By
buying them you are helping us to feed our animals, sterilise, cover
other medical costs.
Or you can foster one of our animals.
Or you can pass this message to a friend that also wants to help.

Thank you



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